Browse TRAIL Inventories

Deformation textures in uranium-aluminum alloys

The recovery of uranium from sulfate solutions by solvent extraction with tributyl phosphate

Solvent extraction of uranium from reduction slag slurry

Recovery of thorium, uranium, and rare earths from monazite sulfate liquors by the amine extraction (Amex) process

Uranium extraction by tri-©œn-octylamine sulfate

Dispersions of uranium carbides in aluminum plate-type research reactor fuel elements

Review of thermal conductivity and heat transfer in uranium dioxide

Processing of uranium carbide reactor fuels.

Recovery of uranium from amine extractants with ammonium carbonate

Recovery of uranium from amines by the high nitrate-water stripping method

A comprehensive study of the neutron activation analysis of uranium by delayed-neutron counting

Off-gases from the reactions of uranium carbides with nitric acid at 90⁰C

Efficiency and flow capacity of pulsed columns used for the separation of uranium from thorium by solvent extraction with di-sec-butylphenylphosphonate

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