Browse TRAIL Inventories

Getting multichannel analyzer data in and out of the IBM-7090 for processing

Crunch :an IBM-704 code for calculating N successive first-order reactions

Whirlaway :a three-dimensional, two-group neutron diffusion code for the IBM 7090 computer

A generalized least squares program for the IBM 7090 computer

IBM-7090 Gaussian integration package with optional point quadrature

Equipoise-3 :a two-dimensional, two-group, neutron diffusion code for the IBM-7090 computer

An Algol 60 syntax checker for the IBM 7090 computer

An IBM-7090 subroutine package for Lagrangian interpolation

INTRIGUE :an IBM-7090 subroutine package for making linear, logarithmic and semilogarithmic using the CALCOMP Plotter

ISOCRUNCH :modifications to the CRUNCH program for the IBM 7090

Published Year

