Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental procedures used for the measurement of corrosion and metal transport in fused sodium hydroxide

The action of sodium hydroxide melts on alloys of nickel, molybdenum, and iron at 815⁰ C

Two-phase product formed in the reaction between fused sodium hydroxide and inconel

Corrosion products formed in the reaction between fused sodium hydroxide and iron-rich alloys of iron, chromium, and nickel

Corrosion resistance of metals and alloys to sodium and lithium

Progress report on volatility pilot plant corrosion problems to April 21, 1957

Lead-lithium shielding alloy :metallurgical studies

The solubility of nitrogen and oxygen in lithium and methods of lithium purification

Corrosion of materials by lithium at elevated temperatures

Corrosion mechanisms in refractory metal-alkali metal systems

Published Year

