Browse TRAIL Inventories

Sampling dust in of rock-dusted mines

Explosions and other accidents from mudcapped shots in coal mines

Colorado mine fatalities

Analyses of Kansas coals / [by the U.S. Bureau of Mines].

Methods of some progressive mining companies in placing responsibility for mine accidents

Hauling coal safely with permissible storage-battery locomotives

Privately owned mine rescue stations

Reducing accidents from falls of roof in coal mines

Activity of the Holmes Safety Association in reducing accidents in Alabama

Some hazards of transporting explosives in automobile trucks

A novel method of ventilating a Pennsylvania coal mine

Rock-dusting a Pennsylvania coal mine

Comparison of storage-battery and cable-reel gathering locomotives in a West Virginia coal mine

Mine explosions, mine fires, and miscellaneous accidents in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1930

Falls of coal and rock on man-trips in bituminous-coal mines

Some suggestions on the prevention of electrical accidents in coal mines

Explosions of coal dust in tipples and cleaning plants and some suggestions on preventing them

Accident-cost data on most of the bituminous coal mined east of the Mississippi River from April 1, 1934 to January 31, 1935

West Virginia coal-mine accident costs and data -July 1, 1929 to June 30, 1934

Lighting practices in coal mines of the United States

Cost of coal-mine fatalities and some permanent disabilities in Ohio :January 1, 1930 to December 31, 1934

Cars for transporting explosives

Methods of sampling and analyzing coal-mine dusts for incombustible content

Gas explosions in buildings :their cause and prevention

Some preliminary data on methods for controlling the dust hazards in mechanical mining

Gas explosions in buildings :their cause and prevention

Methods of allaying dust in underground mining operations

Suggested methods for installing dust-allaying equipment in bituminous-coal mines

Use of rock dust and water under the Federal Mine Safety Code in limiting coal-dust explosions

Roof bolting and dust control

Dust control in mining, tunneling, and quarrying in the United States

Drill-dust collectors approved by the Bureau of Mines as of January 31, 1956

Full-shift dust exposure in some bituminous-coal mines

Published Year

