Browse TRAIL Inventories

Open-pit mining and milling methods and costs at the Yellow Aster Mine, Randsburg, Calif.

Prevention of premature shots during springing of deep drill holes in quarries and open-pit workings

Use of scrapers and other light earth-moving equipment in bituminous-coal strip mining

Drilling and blasting, open-cut iron-ore mines, Lake Superior District

Demonstration and evaluation of five methods of secondary backfilling of strip-mine areas

Stresses and displacements surrounding an open pit in a gravity-loaded rock

Revegetation studies at three strip-mine sites in north-central Pennsylvania

Strippable reserves of bituminous coal and lignite in the United States

Satellite monitoring of open pit mining operations

A three-dimensional dynamic programming method for optimal ultimate open pit design

Cost analyses of model mines for strip mining of coal in the United States

Prompt copper recovery from mine strip waste

Velocity-based method for slope failure detection

Design of surface mine haulage roads :a manual

Dewatering systems for surface coal mines :final report

Structure response and damage produced by airblast from surface mining

Airblast instrumentation and measurement techniques for surface mine blasting

Guidelines for open-pit ore pass design

Quartz dust sources during overburden drilling at surface coal mines

Published Year

