Browse TRAIL Inventories

Determination of nitrogen in coal.A comparison of various modifications of the Kjeldahl method with the Dumas method

Nitrogen and its compounds

Prevention of butadiene-air explosions by addition of nitrogen and carbon dioxide

Extinction of isobutane flames by carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Effect of high pressures on the flammability of natural gas-air-nitrogen mixtures

Effect of high pressures on the explosibility of mixtures of ethane, air, and carbon dioxide and of ethane, air, and nitrogen

Explosibility of mixtures of propane, air, and carbon dioxide and of propane, air and nitrogen at elevated pressures

Nitrogen gas in five oilfields on the Nesson anticline in North Dakota

Vapor pressure of pure liquid nitrogen

Viscosity of the helium-nitrogen system from 133⁰ to 740⁰K for pressures between 1 and 240 atmospheres

Vapor-liquid equilibria data for the helium-nitrogen system as predicted by the Van der Waals equation of state

Vapor-liquid equilibria data for two helium-nitrogen-methane mixtures from 76.5⁰ to 164⁰ K and pressures to 1,200 psia

Compressibility data for helium, nitrogen, and helium-nitrogen mixtures at 0⁰, 25⁰, and 50⁰ C and at pressures to 1,000 atmospheres

Vapor-liquid equilibria data for a helium-nitrogen-methane mixture from 80 to 144 K and pressures to 1,200 Psia

Helium -its relationship to geologic systems and its occurrence with the natural gases, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and argon

An improved method for preparing gravimetric standard gas mixtures of helium-4 in nitrogen

Published Year

