Browse TRAIL Inventories

Laboratory study of factors influencing waterflow in mine backfill :classified mill tailings

Evaluation of an 8-foot-diameter flexible liner installation in the Burgin Mine, Eureka, Utah

Hydraulic sandfill in deep metal mines,

Support capabilities of pneumatically stowed materials

Strength of cemented hydraulic sandfill modified by flocculants

Radon emanation from stopes backfilled with cemented uranium mill tailings

Building seals by pneumatic stowing in mine closure operations

Sealing openings in abandoned mines by pneumatic stowing

Inverted pyramid-shaped plugs for closing abandoned mine shafts :Galena, KS, demonstration project

Bulkheads and drains for high sandfill stopes

Backfill properties of total tailings

Blind pneumatic stowing in voids in abandoned mines

Published Year

