Browse TRAIL Inventories

Progress reports--metallurgical division.

Continuous electric smelting of low-grade nickel ores

Electric smelting of ilmenite concentrates from Valley County, Idaho

Arc ingot conditioning by sidewall fusion

Electric smelting of low-grade chromite concentrates

Electric smelting of cuban serpentine and laterite nickel ores

Radiotracer applications in electrometallurgical processing

Electrodeposition of zinc

Electrolytic methods of preparing cell feed for electrorefining titanium

Infrared analysis of gases produced during molten-salt electrolysis of metals

Electrostatic separation of high-conductivity minerals

Conversion to metal of dimolybdenum carbide electrosynthesized from molybdenite

A model for molten pools in arc melting

High-purity zinc and tin by amalgam electrorefining

Beneficiation of ferrochromium by molten salt electrolysis

Electrowinning of oxygen from silicate rocks

Recovery of mercury from cinnabar ores by electrooxidation

Lead dioxide-plated titanium anode for electrowinning metals from acid solutions

Published Year

