Browse TRAIL Inventories

Bureau of Mines - A.P.I. pressure core barrel :progress report on its design and development

Interim report by the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines for the Atomic Energy Commission :core scanning program

Second interim report on the core scanning program :report of the U.S. Bureau of Mines to the Atomic Energy Commission

Core-drill sampling of Cuyuna-range manganiferous iron formations, Crow Wing County, Minn.

The stress field within a core stub in a borehole

Improvements in the three-component borehole deformation gage and overcoring techniques

Blasting tests in a porphyry copper deposit in preparartion for in situ extraction

Test procedures for nonlinearly elastic stress-relief overcores

Transducer preparation gage assembly of the Bureau of Mines three-component borehole deformation gage

Published Year

