Browse TRAIL Inventories

Carbonizing properties of Pocahontas no. 3-bed coal from Kimball, McDowell county, W. Va. :and the effect of blending this coal with Pittsburgh-bed coal

Carbonizing properties of western region interior province coals and certain blends of these coals

Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of Hazard no. 4 coal from Columbus no. 4 mine and high-temperature carbonizing properties of Hazard no. 7 coal from Hardburly mine, Perry county, Ky.

Carbonizing properties of Powellton-bed coal from Coal Mountain mine, Guyan, Wyoming County, W. Va.

Carbonizing properties of Eagle-bed coal from Prospect shaft, Carbon, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Carbonizing properties of western coals

Carbonizing properties of Elkhorn no. 3-bed coal from Wheelwright mine, Floyd County, Ky.

Published Year

