Browse TRAIL Inventories

Electrical accident prevention

Hazards to underground workers from inflammable surface structures near mine openings

The importance of discipline in mine safety

A million tons of anthracite mined without a fatality

Operating coal mines without accidents

Methane-indicating detectors prove dependable in sampling air in anthracite mines

Dust hazards and their control in mining

Formation, collection, and treatment of coal dust in mines

Some preliminary data on methods for controlling the dust hazards in mechanical mining

Testing safety catches on mine cages at some eastern bituminous-coal mines

Permissible mine equipment approved during 1944

Permissible mine equipment approved to January 1, 1947 :with appended list of available flame-lamp fuels

Permissible mine equipment approved during the calendar year 1947 :supplement to Information Circular 7432

Mine man-trip and ambulance cars

Organizations with programs beneficial to coal-mine employees

Research and technologic work at the Health and Safety Research and Testing Center :fiscal years 1960-65

Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center research and development activities :fiscal year 1971

Published Year

