Browse TRAIL Inventories

Control of roof and prevention of accidents from falls of rock and coal :suggested roof supports for use at faces in conjunction with mechanical loading

Emergency escapeways from coal mines

Breaking coal with airdox

Tests in the Experimental coal mine to determine requirements for preventing propagation of coal-dust explosions in rooms

Mine man-trip and ambulance cars

Safety standards for anthracite mines

Control of roof and prevention of accidents from falls of rock and coal

Some observations on coal-mine haulage hazards

Small portable coal-dust explosion gallery

Two devices to prevent electric arcs with airdox operations in coal mines

A study of stray electric currents in airdox systems in coal mines

Hazards of black blasting powder in underground coal mining

Safeguarding underground workmen from noxious gases resulting from blasting in strip mines

Tests on the control of coal-mine fires in the experimental coal mine

Experiments on safety of incombustible plugs for stemming explosives

Minimizing fire hazards in coal mines by proper circuit-breaker protection of 250/275-volt direct-current systems

Analysis of haulage fatalities in bituminous-coal mines in 1950

Economic benefits of systematic roof bolting in Ziegler No. 3 Mine, Bell & Zoller Coal & Mining Co., Williamson County, Ill.,

A practical method for teaching mine workers and officials use of gas-detecting equipment

Recommendations for improved shuttle-car-haulage safety

Fire-fighting equipment in coal mines :selection, placement, and care

Organizations with programs beneficial to coal-mine employees

Coal-mine hazards from overlying gasoline pipelines :description of gasoline explosions in two Pennsylvania bituminous-coal mines

Safety aspects of controls and operations of belt conveyors in coal mines

Methane buildup during cutting and continuous mining operations

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved before December 31, 1957

Studies with high-expansion foams for controlling experimental-coal-mine fires :a progress report

Determining the explosibility of mine atmospheres

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-58

Survey of face ventilation practices in coal mines

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-60

Explosibility of coal dust in an atmosphere containing a low percentage of methane

Instruction handbook: fundamentals of accident prevention for coal-mine supervisors.

Survey of practices in controlling roof at intersections and junctions in underground coal mines

Escapeways and other emergency measures in coal mines

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-61

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-62

The Federal Coal Mine Safety Act and Federal Mine Safety Codes :interpretations and applications

American standard safety rules for installing and using electrical equipment in and about coal mines (M2.1) /Sponsors, American Mining Congress and U.S. Bureau of Mines.

Recommended safety precautions for active coal stockpiling and reclaiming operations

Research and technologic work at the Health and Safety Research and Testing Center :fiscal years 1960-65

Injury experience in coal mining, 1964 :analysis of mine safety factors, related employment, and production data

Review of Bureau of Mines coal program, 1966

A method for extinguishing and removing burning coal refuse banks,

Procedures for evaluating hazards to coal mining operations from hydrocarbon reservoirs

Methane in the Pittsburgh coalbed, Washington County, Pa.

Peak methane concentrations during coal mining:an analysis

Mathematical study of a propagating flame and its induced aerodynamics in a coal mines passageway

Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center research and development activities :fiscal year 1971

Methane buildup hazards caused by dust scrubber recirculation at coal mine working faces,a preliminary estimate

Published Year



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