Browse TRAIL Inventories

Cooperative mining at the Keely Mine, Dugger, Indiana

Some factors affecting losses of coal in mining

The economic relation of accidents and preventable diseases to the coal-mining industry

Additions, Removals and Changes in Permissible List of Explosives from January 1, 1925 to July 31, 1926

Sanitary survey of the coal mines of Alabama

State laws relating to coal-mine timbering

Work of the experiment stations of the Bureau of Mines

What do we know about the explosibility of coal dust in mines?

"Muditing" in coal mines

Tentative method for making resistivity measurements of drill cores and hand specimens of rocks and ores

Shaft sinking at the Sevier Valley Coal Co. mine

What the coal miners can do to prevent injury from falls of roof

Mining bituminous coal by stripping methods

A study of falls of roof and coal in mines in the number 8 field of eastern Ohio

A study of falls of roof and coal in mines of Harrison County, West Virginia

How to prevent death and injury from falls of roof in coal mines

Timber withdrawing and devices used for this purpose in some coal mines

An international viewpoint on safeguarding electrical equipment used in gassy mines

Competitive conditions in the international coal trade

Hazard of igniting coal by electric circuits in mines

Shaft- and slope-bottom lay-outs at coal mines

The importance of adequate voltage for distribution systems in coal mines

Truck vs. rail haulage in bituminous-coal strip mines

Coal-mine explosives :their characteristics, selection and safe use

Studies of roof movement in coal mines.

What is the responsibility of the coal-mine official in the present change to and future of mechanizes mining?

Some phases of haulage accident prevention in anthracite mines

Multiple-shift mechanical mining in some bituminous coal mines.

Studies of roof movement in coal mines.

Contact potential in electrostatic separation

Some information from an investigation on methods of confining cardox blasting devices in boreholes in certain coal mines

Carbonizing properties of Beckley-bed coal from Stanaford no. 1 mine, Mount Hope, Raleigh County, W. Va.

The use of dust respirators in coal mines

Review of dust-allaying practices at working faces in some bituminous-coal and lignite mines

Hazard of firing open, unconfined shots in coal mines

Technology of lignitic coals : in two parts ;

Technology of lignitic coals :in two parts ;

Cementation of bituminous-coal-mine roof strata.

Determination of low concentrations of methane in coal-mine-air samples by infrared absorption spectrometry

Mining and transporting coal underground by hydraulic methods :a literature survey

Cementation of bituminous-coal-mine roof strata :injection of epoxy and polyester-type resins

Use of sonic techniques in exploring coal-mine roof strata :a progress report

Costs of mining under bolted roof and timbered roof in bituminous coal mines

Hydraulic coal mining research :equipment and preliminary tests

Test operation of a pneumatic vibrating-blade planer in phosphate and coal :a progress report on planer-mining research, 1958-60

Proposed standardization of coal mine examination records

Development of a hydraulic device for measuring relative pressure changes in coal during mining :a progress report

Sealing a coal-mine passageway through a borehole :a progress report

Stoppings for ventilating coal mines

Ignition and control of burning of coal mine refuse

Published Year



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