Browse TRAIL Inventories

Plant performance tests of the tromp dense-medium coal-cleaning process

Washability characteristics of Mammoth and Holmes vein anthracites

Preparation characteristics of coal from Boone County, W. Va.

Washability examinations of coals from the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast states

Washability of coals from the Matanuska Valley and Beluga River fields, Alaska

Performance of tables in cleaning Alaska coals

Washability characteristics of the lower Hartshorne (Spadra) coalbed near Clarksville, Ark.

Evaluation of washery performance

Performance of Baum jigs in treating Rocky Mountain coals

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :concentrating tables

Washability studies and cleaning trials on coals from Pierce County, Wash.

Froth flotation washability data of various Appalachian coals using the timed release analysis technique

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :sand cones

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :dense-medium coarse-coal vessels

Predicted results of cleaning Appalachian coals at low density for sulfur reduction

Published Year

