Browse TRAIL Inventories

Petroleum-engineering study of water injection in upper HX, fault block V-B, Wilmington field, California

Operating results with the feldspar fine-coal jig

Electrorefining of titanium from binary alloys

Chloride volatilization of oxidized lead ore from Eureka, Nevada

Strength of steel roof bolts after repeated bending

Spectrographic determination of beryllium in a variable matrix

Method of determining the strength of a mine roof

Preparation characteristics of coal from Dickenson County, Va.

A study of the feasibility of hydraulic transport of a Texas lignite

Diamond-bit performance in cherty limestone and cherty dolomite

Diamond-bit performance in quartzite

Carbonizing properties of McDowell County, W. Va., coals

Preliminary studies in chlorinating titaniferous slags from Idaho ilmenite

Oil-Shale mine, Rifle, Colo. :a review of design factors

Trap for removing ferric chloride from titanium tetrachloride

Preparation characteristics of coal from Greene County, Pa.

Electric-furnace smelting of east Texas iron ores :a progress report

Cable-tool coring with oil-base mud in Appalachian oilfields

Chemical and galvanic corrosion properties of titanium alloys

Direct evaluation of water sensitivity of reservoir rocks

Generating preflux solutions from galvanizers' sal skimmings

Lurgi-gasifier tests of Pennsylvania anthracite

Studies with high-expansion foams for controlling experimental-coal-mine fires :a progress report

Better coke by thermal pretreatment of coal :Results for Illinois No. 6-, Pittsburgh-, and Mason-bed coals

Investigation of Manganese Areas, Hammond Plantation and Hodgdon Townships, Southern District, Aroostook County, Maine

Practical Evaluation of Electrical-Resistivity Surveys as a Guide to Zinc-Lead Exploratory Drilling, Badger-Peacock Camp and Vicinity, Cherokee County, Kansas

Reconnaissance of the Beluga River Coalfield, Alaska

Thermal Pretreatment and Pelletizing of North Dakota Lignite

Causes of Roof-Fall Fatalities in Anthracite and Bituminous-Coal Mines, 1955 and 1956

Mining and Water-Control Methods at the Chief Lead-Zinc Mine, Chief Consolidated Mining Co., Juab County, Utah

Mining Inclined Beds of Phosphate Rock, San Francisco Chemical Co. Mines, Rich County, Utah

Lode-Tin Mining at Lost River, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

General Properties of Low-Temperature Tar

Helium-Bearing Natural Gases of the United States: Analyses and Analytical Methods, Supplement to Bulletin 486

Analyses of Washington Coals: Supplement to Technical Papers 491 and 618

Index of Oil-Shale and Shale-Oil Patents, 1946-56: A Supplement to Bulletins 467 and 468: (In Three Parts) [Part 1]. United States Patents

Index of Oil-Shale and Shale-Oil Patents, 1946-56: A Supplement to Bulletins 467 and 468: (In Three Parts) [Part 2]. United Kingdom Patents

Laboratory and Full-Scale Sulfur Elimination Tests on Coal from Pratt Bed, Alabama

The Mineral Industry of Turkey

Historical summary of coal-mine explosions in the United States

Research and technologic work on coal and related investigations, 1956

Bibliography of investment and operating costs for chemical and petroleum plants, January-December 1958

Bibliography on semiconductors for thermoelectric use

Some aspects of the coal industry of the U.S.S.R.

Sinking no. 3 shaft at Westvaco Trona mine, Intermountain Chemical Co., Sweetwater County, Wyo.

Mining methods and costs at the Piokee mining unit and the Piokee experimental mining project, the Eagle-Picher Co. (Tri-State Mines), Ottawa County, Okla.

Crude-oil and refined-products pipeline mileage in the United States, January 1, 1959

Results of waterflooding in Kansas oil sands, containing viscous crude oils

Respiratory protective devices approved by the Bureau of Mines as of October 16, 1958

Bibliography of reports containing analyses of crude oils by the Bureau of Mines routine method

Published Year



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