Browse TRAIL Inventories

Laboratory concentration of mercury ores from Oregon, California, Idaho, and Nevada

Selective flotation concentration of lead-zinc ores from the Musick and Helena mines, Bohemia District, Oreg.

Concentration of oxide manganese ores from Lander County, Nev.

Concentration of oxide and silicate manganese ores from the vicinity of Golconda, Nev.

Beneficiation of Sherman pyromorphite lead ore

Beneficiation of oxide manganese ores from Arapahoe, Douglas, Saguache, Custer, Chaffee, and Park Counties, Colorado

Concentration of Klukwan, Alaska, magnetite ore

Concentration of oxide manganese ores from northeastern Nevada (Caviglia-Vietti, Berning, and Reed-Parker deposits)

Beneficiation of western phosphate ores

Laboratory concentration of various Alaska copper ores

Studies of the Snettisham magnetite deposit, southeastern Alaska

Laboratory concentration of chromite ores, Red Mountain district, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Beneficiation of Iron-Copper Ores from Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska

Recovering mercury from cinnabar-stibnite ore by flotation and fluidized-bed roasting

Lode-Tin Mining at Lost River, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

Published Year

