Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Project Number 1 (Lackawanna)

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Project Number 3 (Wyoming)

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines, Western Middle and Southern Fields: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Project Number 2

Corrosive and Erosive Effects of Acid Mine Waters on Metals and Alloys for Mine Pumping Equipment and Drainage Facilities: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Projects Numbers 4 and 5

Mine Flood Prevention and Control: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Final Report of the Anthracite Flood-Prevention Project Engineers

Published Year
