Browse TRAIL Inventories

Data on metal-mine ventilation in 1929

A novel method of ventilating a Pennsylvania coal mine

Mine ventilation in the Coeur d'Alene mining district

A ventilation study of the Graceton Coal & Coke Co. mine, Graceton, Pa.

Physiological factors in mine ventilation in 1931

Pressure losses due to bends and area changes in mine airways

Economic size of metal-mine airways

Metal-mine ventilation

Metal-mine fires and ventilation

Methane-indicating detectors prove dependable in sampling air in anthracite mines

Ventilation of manholes.

Ventilation of manholes.

Hazards of compressed-air jets for ventilating gassy mines

Ventilation at the anthracite collieries of the northern Pennsylvania field

Some instruments and devices that coal-mine officials should understand and use

Some observations on coal-mine fans and coal-mine ventilation

Review of literature on conditioning air for advancement of health and safety in mines

Mine Safety Board decision 29 :doors for controlling ventilation in coal mines

Mine Safety Board decision 30 :main fan installations at coal mines

Mine ventilation

Mine Safety Board decision 31:main fan installations at metal mines

Published Year

