Browse TRAIL Inventories

Allaying dust in bituminous-coal mines with water

Washability studies of the America and Pratt coal beds at Gorgas, Ala.

National safety competition of 1938

Notes on large-scale tests of the explosibility of coal dusts made in the United States and Great Britain

Ignition of firedamp by explosives

Recent research by the Bureau of Mines on the ignition of firedamp by explosives

Methods of rock-dusting American coal mines

Oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen by bacteria

Time-study analyses :progress report 2 : quarry haulage

Hazard of mercury vapor in analytical petroleum laboratories

Properties of a petroleum-reservoir liquid and its residua with applications of the data to production problems

Bit gage v. drilling speed

Mount Weather testing adit :progress report 1

Correlation of analysis of coal with products of carbonization in externally heated retorts

A washability study of the Woodstock coal bed at Klondyke mine, West Blocton, Ala.

Investigation during 1937 of combustibles in manholes in Boston, Mass.

Bureau of Mines - A.P.I. pressure core barrel :progress report on its design and development

Annual report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1939

Relative air dustiness during cycle of operations at Mount Weather Testing adit

Expansion of coal during coking

Carbonizing properties of a subbituminous coal from Puritan Mine, Dacono, Weld County, Colo.

Classification chart of typical coals of the United States :showing B.t.u. per pound on the moist, mineral-matter-free basis, plotted against fixed carbon on the dry, mineral-matter-free basis

Properties of Louisiana crude oils.

Some asphalts from Oregon Basin (Wyoming) crude oil

Some signaling systems in metal-mine shafts

Graphic survey of the lime industry, 1910-38 :changes in the number of companies, plants, and kilns, and in their output and capacity

Investigation of electrical equipment, safety lamps, and gas detectors for safety

Mining and milling methods and costs at the Black Hills Tin Co., Tinton, S. Dak.

Reconnaissance of placer-mining districts in Lemhi County, Idaho

Formation, collection, and treatment of coal dust in mines

Saving gold by means of corduroy

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1939

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1939

Some fundamentals of smoke abatement

Testing and design of respiratory protective devices

Tabulated Analyses of Texas Crude Oils

Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States, 1936

Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1936

Metal-Mining Practice

Reservoir Characteristics of the Eunice Oil Field, Lea County, New Mexico

Practices and Methods of Preventing and Treating Crude-Oil Emulsions

Static Electricity in Nature and Industry

Coal Mining in Europe: A Study of Practices in Different Coal Formations and Under Various Economic and Regulatory Conditions Compared with Those in the United States

Metal-Mining Practice

Strategic minerals investigations :procedure followed by the Bureau of Mines

The Iron and Steel Industries of Europe

Published Year



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