Browse TRAIL Inventories

Mining Methods and Practice in the Michigan Copper Mines

Ochers and Mineral Pigments of the Pacific Northwest : Occurrence, Possible Methods of Preparation, and Testing of Ochers, Siennas, and Colored Clays

Rock Bursts in the Lake Superior Copper Mines, Keweenaw Point, Michigan

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances, 1922 and 1923

Inspection and Testing of Mine-Type Electrical Equipment for Permissibility

Tests of Strength of Roof Supports Used in Anthracite Mines of Pennsylvania

Hazards from low or under voltage

Distillation-amalgamation methods for the technical determination of mercury in ores

Survey of fuel-oil distribution :central United States : 1928

Industrial gas masks abroad

Mining laws of Paraguay

Method and cost of mining the Pittsburgh, or no. 8, coal bed in four eastern Ohio mines

Mining laws of Venezuela

Methods of some progressive mining companies in placing responsibility for mine accidents

Present-day knowledge of the chemical constitution of coal

Mining laws of Rumania

Mining laws of Honduras

Mining laws of Peru

State regulations governing the use of trolley wires in mines

Method and Cost of Mining the Thick Freeport Coal in a Second Western Pennsylvania Mine

The Canadian Gypsum Industry

Permissible Storage - Battery Locomotives and Power Trucks

Summarized Data of Lead Production Showing the Relation of Production in the United States to That of the World

Summarized Data of Gold Production

Summarized Data of Zinc Production Showing the Relation of Production in the United States to That of the World

Factors Governing the Entry of Solutions into Ores During Leaching

Published Year



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