Browse TRAIL Inventories

Metal-mine accounting

Perforated casing and screen pipe in oil wells

Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States during the calendar years 1918

Effects of gasoline removal on the heating value of natural gas

Quarry accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1918

Use of stenches as a warning in mines

Boiler and furnace testing

Safe storage of coal

Accident prevention in the mines of Butte, Montana

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1919

Development of liquid oxygen explosives during the war

Stenches for detecting leakage of blue water gas and natural gas

Determination of molybdenum

Metal-mine accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1918

Production of explosives in the United States during the calendar year 1919 :with notes on coal-mine accidents due to explosives and list of permissible explosives tested to May 31, 1920

The properties of some stoneware clays

Indicators for carbon dioxide and oxygen in air and flue gas

The determination of mercury

Blasting granite with compressed air

Talc in fire-resistant paint

Factors in determining the gasoline content in natural gas by the absorption method

Stench warnings in metal mines

Structure in bituminous coals

Talc mining and milling at Madoc, Ontario

Refining problems

Waste and correct use of natural gas in the home,

Preliminary investigations of storage battery locomotives :specifications laboratory tests permissible schedule

State mining laws on the use of electricity in and about coal mines

Coal in the British Isles

Recovery of gold from black sand by classifier concentration

Uses of sulphuric acid

Asbestos in South Africa

The mining and preparation of Tripoli

Comparison of methods of gold recovery from black sand

Talc and soapstone

Recovery of Gold from Black Sand Tailings

Metal Mine Ventilation and its Relation to Safety and Efficiency in Mining Operations

Educational Agencies in Mining Communities

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: May to August, 1919

Coal-Mine Fatalities in the United States, 1919: and Coal-Mine Statistics Supplementing Those Published in Bulletin 115

Talc Mining in New York

The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid in the United States

Approved Explosion-Proof Coal-Cutting Equipment

Extinguishing and Preventing Oil and Gas Fires

Casing Troubles and Fishing Methods in Oil Wells

Pennsylvania Mining Statutes Annotated

A Glossary of the Mining and Mineral Industry

Mining and Preparing Domestic Graphite for Crucible Use

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances, 1917

Quality of Gasoline Marketed in the United States

Published Year



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