Browse TRAIL Inventories

Physical properties of coke :size and its measurement

Development of new, experimental coke oven

Theoretical precision of screen-analysis results

A study of the precision of the shatter test on coke

Carbonizing procedures with new experimental coke oven

Effects of variations in bulk density on coking time

Studies of size-distribution patterns and breakage processes for metallurgical cokes

Effect of anthrafines on expansion of coking coals

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven 1952-53

Use of anthrafines for producing metallurgical coke

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :use of fluid petroleum coke as a blending agent

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa (Ala.) oven :dependence of coking time on flue temperature

Effects of substituting various high-and low low-volatile coals in foundry-coke blends carbonized in the Tuscaloosa and sole-heated ovens

Kerosine flotation of coal :semicommercial studies of cell performance

Carbonizing tests in Tuscaloosa oven :properties of wet- and dry-quenched cokes

Use of sole-heated oven for studies of coal expansion and coke formation

Nitric acid oxidation rates for selected coals and related substances

Selectivities of laboratory flotation and float-sink separations of coal

Correlations involving different screen indexes for a given size distribution of coke

Effects of temperature variations on contact angles for coal and related substances

Studies of coke oven width, flue temperature, and coking rate :critical survey of literature ; carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :factors influencing apparent specific gravity

Laboratory investigation of the effect of temperature on coal flotation

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :hardness of cokes from blends containing added inerts

Construction, calibration, and operation of ice calorimeters

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :studies of pushing pressures

Effects of selected operating variables on continuous-cell flotation of coal :a laboratory study

Research and technologic work on Alabama coals :an annotated bibliography

Laboratory investigation of the effect of oxidation on coal flotation

Heat content and specific heat of coals and related products

The effect of carbonization conditions and coal properties on coke size and strength parameters

Dependence of coking time on coal properties and carbonization parameters

Published Year

