Browse TRAIL Inventories

The recovery of metal and other valuable products from aluminum dross

Conversion of Nicaro Nickel Oxide to Nickel Metal

Producing nickel-bearing iron from Cuban ores in a batch rotary kiln

Significance of experimental operations to industrial blast- furnace practice

Fuel-oil injection in an experimental blast furnace

Prerefining pig iron with a vortex cone :Preliminary experiments

Blast furnace operations with very low slag rates

Influence of thermal treatments upon grindability of low-grade nonmagnetic iron ores

Effects of thermal treatments upon concentratability of a nonmagnetic iron ore

Rapid particle size analysis by hydrosizing and nuclear sensing

Thermal energy recovery by basic oxygen furnace offgas preheating of scrap

Viscosity of BOF slags fluidized with fluorspar, colemanite, and fused boric acid

Autoclave leaching of copper-nickel matte produced from Duluth gabbro

Utilizing the magnetic fraction of raw refuse with shredded automobile scrap in cupola gray iron

Partial replacement of coke in cupola operation

Flotation responses of two Duluth complex copper-nickel ores

Evaluation of synthetic fluorspar in BOF slags

Synthetic fluorspar flux in the basic cupola :evaluation of operation and fluorine volatility

Low-rank coals and waste materials for reduction roasting and metallization of iron oxides

Published Year

