Browse TRAIL Inventories

Performance of a hydraulic classifier designed to incorporate four hitherto neglected principles

Continuous hydraulic classification :constitution of the teeter column throughout its depth

Rapid specific-gravity method for estimating the iron content of Birmingham, Ala., red ores

Paper-coating clay from coarse Georgia kaolins by a new attrition-grinding process

Concentrating argillaceous surface iron ore of Tuscaloosa County, Ala., by washing

Beneficiation of red iron ore fines from Pyne Mine, Bessemer, Ala.

Continuous attrition grinding of coarse kaolin (in two parts).

Sintering of pyrrhotite calcine

Electro-dewatering tests of Florida phosphate rock slime

Continuous attrition grinding of coarse kaolin (in two parts).

Chemical processing of Florida phosphate rock slime

Clinton hematitic sandstone deposits, Butt Mountain area, Giles County, Va.

Investigation of operating variables in the attrition grinding process

Dewatering Florida phosphate pebble rock slime by freezing techniques

Ultrafine grinding of several industrial minerals by the attrition-grinding process

Glass wool from waste glass

Laboratory flotation studies of Tennessee phosphates in the presence of slimes

Flash reduction of iron ore

Fabrication and cost evaluation of experimental building brick from waste glass

Continuous gaseous direct reduction of low-grade iron ores in a fluid-bed reactor

Phosphorus removal from Birmingham, Ala., calcareous iron ores

Large-scale continuous attrition grinding of coarse kaolin

Characterization studies of Florida phosphate slimes

Flocculation dewatering of Florida phosphatic clay wastes

Published Year

