Browse TRAIL Inventories

Annual report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1940

Bentonite:its properties, mining, preparation, and utilization

Potash Salts from Texas-New Mexico Polyhalite Deposits: Commercial Possibilities, Proposed Technology, and Pertinent Salt-Solution Equilibria

Control of gelation in extraction of alumina from lime-soda-clay sinters

Production of lightweight concrete aggregates from clays, shales, slates, and other materials

Lime-soda sinter process for alumina from high-silica bauxites :laboratory and pilot-plant tests

Proposed process for treatment of low-grade titaniferous ores :laboratory tests on sintering with carbon and soda ash to produce metallic iron and soluble titanates

Laboratory tests on percolation leaching of silica from bauxites

Soda sinter process for treating low-grade titaniferous ores

Chloridization of Maine manganese ore :preliminary batch-fluidization tests on Maple Mountain-Hovey Mountain samples

Published Year

