Browse TRAIL Inventories

Safety in stone quarrying

Blasting granite with compressed air

Asbestos in South Africa

The utilization of waste slate as a filler

A fatal quarry accident from falling rock

Slate dust in asphalt road-surface mixtures

Use of the churn drill at lime-plant quarries

Rock loading at lime-plant quarries

Quarry problems from the engineer's viewpoint

Recent progress in slate technology

Metallurgical limestone

A system of accounts for the slate industry

Selected bibliography of minerals and their identification

The granite industry :dimension stone


Economics of crushed-stone production

Significant features of wire-saw operation in Europe

Chalk, whiting, and whiting substitutes

Growth and development of nonmetallic mineral industries



Asbestos :domestic and foreign deposits

Asbestos :milling, marketing, and fabrication

Verde antique

Trends in sales of memorial stone

The cement industry of Latin America


Home insulation with mineral products :conservation of fuel for war

Chalk and whiting

Industrial insulation with mineral products

Trends in consumption and prices of building materials

Trends in consumption and prices of chemical raw materials and fertilizers

Cement in Latin America

Home insulation with mineral products :conserves fuel, reduces cost, increases comfort

Limestone as building material

Industrial uses of limestone and dolomite

The lime industry


Memorial stone

Granite as dimension stone

Limestone and dolomite

Stone cutting and polishing



Sandstone as dimension stone

Published Year

