Browse TRAIL Inventories

An ionization chamber laundry monitor

Study of corrosion on various metals in the calcining of aqueous radioactive wastes containing zirconium fluoride and aluminum nitrate as bulk salts

An absorption process for recovery of fission product noble gases

Reprocessing of power reactor fuels :the Enrico Fermi fast breeder reactor fuel progress report no. 1

The distribution of fallout activity in rainfall at the Brookhaven National Laboratory June to September 1957

March 1957 medical survey of Rongelap and Utirik people three years after exposure to radioactive fallout

Some relativistic two-body kinematics tables

Design criteria for gamma irradiation devices using fluids flowing through reactor loops

Resonance escape probability in slab lattices

A study of the wind profile in the lowest 400 feet of the atmosphere

Collision probabilities and resonance integrals for lattices

Industrial chemical production by chemo-nuclear processes with special reference to the production of fixed nitrogen

Chemical behavior of uranium and thorium in fused salts

Theoretical and experimental studies of sodium irradiator systems

Applications of distributions

Solubility of xenon in liquid bismuth

Ionization chambers for reactor operation

Catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide

A Univac program for the analysis of radioactive decay curves

Table for converting photon wavelength to photon energy in electron volts

High sensitivity mass spectrometry of the rare gases

Reprocessing of power reactor fuels :the Enrico Fermi fast breeder reactor fuel progress report no. 2

Medical survey of Rongelap people, March 1958, four years after exposure to fallout

The recovery of fission product xenon and krypton by absorption processes

The photochemical apparatus, its structure and function :report of symposium held June 16-18, 1958.

Structure and function of genetic elements;report of symposium held June 1-3, 1959.

Compilation of requests for nuclear cross section measurements, June, 1959

Moment of inertia of superfluid many-fermion systems

Brookhaven National Laboratory Annual Report: 1958

Radioastronomy and communication through space

Programs for IBM 610 computer to perform kurie analysis of beta spectra

Status of direct conversion programs in the United States with special emphasis on civilian nuclear power (edited version)

Engineering-scale preparation and characteristics of ThO₂-Bi slurries

Measurement of range and intensity of cyclotron beams

Corrosion studies for a fused salt-liquid metal extraction process for the liquid metal fuel reactor

Absorption spectra in fused salts

Diffusion of xenon through aluminum and stainless steel

Diffusion of iodine through aluminum

A survey of bulk-boiling studies in pressurized water reactor systems

Engineering experience at Brookhaven National Laboratory in handling fused chloride salts

Single rod fast effects and related measurements

Absorption and diffusion of xenon in high density graphite at high temperatures

Newsletter no. 1, June 1960

Radiation processing report no. 1 :gamma irradiation experiments in the N₂-O₂ system

Calculation methods for heterogenous systems

Newsletter no. 2, October 1960

Newsletter no. 3, February 1961

Table of gamma rays emitted by radioactive nuclei arranged in order of increasing energy

Radiation processing report no. 2 :irradiation of NH₃-H₂O solutions for formation of hydrazine

Current ideas on the endocrine regulation of cellular processes

Published Year



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