Browse TRAIL Inventories

Application of stereoscopic (3-D) slides to roof and rib hazard recognition training

Behavioral accident simulator computer program user guide and technical reference manual

Recent developments in metal and nonmetal mine fire protection :proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Denver, CO, October 18-19; Detroit, MI, October 20-21; Las Vegas, NV, November 1-2; and Spokane, WA, November 3-4, 1988

Characterization of the 1986 coal mining workforce

Characterization of the 1986 metal and nonmetal mining workforce

Characterization of the 1986 stone mining workforce

Characterization of the 1986 metallic mining workforce

Tin occurrences near Rocky Mountain (Lime Peak), east-central Alaska

Characterization of the 1986 nonmetallic mining workforce

Gallium and gallium arsenide :supply, technology, and uses

Leaching gold-silver ores with sodium cyanide and thiourea under comparable conditions

Computer modeling of dust and forces for longwall mining systems

Beach characteristics of mine waste tailings

Computer-assisted mine design procedures for longwall mining

Dimensional changes of select ceramic materials exposed to HC1, HNO₃, and H₂SO₄ acid environments

Foundation response to high-extraction mining in Southern Illinois

Preliminary evaluation of the relationship of bit wear to cutting distance, forces, and dust using selected commercial and experimental coal- and rock-cutting tools

Inhibition of spontaneous combustion of coal

Pallet loading dust control system

Metal recovery from secondary copper converter dust by ammoniacal carbonate leaching

Instructional mode and its effect on initial self-contained self-rescuer donning attempts during training

Vacuum induction melting of Ti-6AI-4V in a cold crucible

Critical conditions for ignition and propagation of mine fires

Comparative study of pillar load transfer associated with multiple-seam mining

Horizontal trajectories of rotary-drilled holes

Evaluation of refractories for aluminum recycling furnaces

A method for predicting equilibrium values in the solvent extraction of copper in ammoniacal systems

Effect of shearer web depth on dust generation and methane liberation

Strain energy as a basis for optimizing roof truss installations in bedded roof

Probability of spark ignition in intrinsically safe circuits

Effects of various longwall chain pillar configurations on gate road stability

Geologic factors influencing the gas content of coalbeds in southwestern Pennsylvania

Techniques to increase water pressure for improved water-jet-assisted cutting

Subsidence due to undermining of sloping terrain :a case study

Model of coal dust explosion suppression by rock dust entrainment

Hydrometallurgical recovery of critical metals from hardface alloy grinding waste :a laboratory study

Methods of evaluating explosive reactivity of explosive-contaminated solid waste substances

Thermal characteristics of energized coal mine trailing cables

Causes and control of coal mine bumps

Relationship between horizontal stresses and geologic anomalies in two coal mines in southern Illinois

Horizontal and vertical load transferring mechanisms in longwall roof supports

Roof truss contact forces

Effect of fluoride inclusions on induction-slag-melted Ti-6A1-4V alloy

Measurement and control in industrial processes using an analog-to-digital telemetry system

Recovery of cobalt from spent copper leach solutions -improved elution and impurity removal techniques, with revised process economics

A tomographic computer program with constraints to improve reconstructions for monitoring in situ mining leachate

Laboratory assessment of alternative longwall stabilization materials

Rapid (grab) sampling during full-scale explosions -microscopic and analytical evaluation

Selective electrowinning of mercury from gold cyanide solutions

Stiffness characteristics of longwall shields

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