Browse TRAIL Inventories

Fracturing in the zone around a blasthole, White Pine, Mich.

Mine roof vibrations from underground blasts, Pilot Knob, Mo.

Vibrations from underground blasting

Blast-produced fractures in Lithonia granite

Noise and vibrations in residential structures from quarry production blasting :measurements at six sites in Illinois

Structure response and damage produced by ground vibration from surface mine blasting

Structure response and damage produced by airblast from surface mining

Effects of repeated blasting on a wood-frame house

Airblast and ground vibration generation and propagation from contour mine blasting

Blast vibration measurements near and on structure foundations

Effects of millisecond-delay intervals on vibration and airblast from surface coal mine blasting

Low-frequency vibrations produced by surface mine blasting over abandoned underground mines

Comparative study of blasting vibrations from Indiana surface coal mines

Blast vibrations and other potential causes of damage in homes near a large surface coal mine in Indiana

Published Year

